As I was reading in the Douglas book, I could find myself getting as little defensive to her thoughts and sediments. I felt like not only was she angry at the media with regards to her sexual ideals, but that if you were a woman who DID want to wait until marriage to have sex, you were jaded and weren't making the decision for yourself. I can see after our discussion that maybe her intentions were just to show the confusion and frustration for many women as the media portrayed sex in contrasting lights.
Ultimately, this made me think about my own values and ideals on sex. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and my religion teaches that premarital sex is in violation of sacred Gospel principles. However, that does not mean that sex in itself is a horrible and sinful thing.
I've noticed that for my generation, sex is more of an open subject with regards to the LDS faith. I have talked about it with my friends and have had leaders and teachers discuss it in classes. I know that I will enjoy sex with my future spouse. I would consider myself a very sexual person, but I have chosen to wait and have those experiences until I am entered into a bond of marriage. I know that sex is for procreation, but I also believe it is an expression of love between two people and is meant to be enjoyable. Otherwise, why would we do it?! For those reasons, I do consider it sacred and will hold to that belief.
That choice I've made is my own, and I don't feel it makes me a "bad" or "good" girl. I've made mistakes and stupid decisions that would label me as bad, and done great things that some might label me as good. I don't think that one particular area of my life, such as sex, can define who I am. I think these are choices every person needs to make after careful consideration of the consequences to their actions.
P.S. I would marry this guy tomorrow if I could! Yummy....